Blog: KE Matters

How do R&D teams evaluate new opportunities?

14 May 2019

We’re often asked by the universities that use IN-PART’s matchmaking platform for university-industry collaboration what R&D teams are looking for in new potential collaborators. So, to provide some answers, we spoke with our industry community and asked them what informs their decisions to establish new partnerships with universities.

HEIF, KEF and now KEC: welcoming the KE Concordat

3 May 2019

Alice Frost, Director of Knowledge Exchange at Research England, blogs about today's launch of the KE Concordat (KEC) as the latest initiative from the university sector responding to challenges set by the Government's Industrial Strategy and the 2.4% R&D target. 

A Concordat for High Standards in Knowledge Exchange

3 May 2019

  Sean Fielding, Chair of PraxisAuril, blogs about today's launch of the KE Concordat (KEC).

I am delighted to see the KEF Concordat published today.  PraxisAuril has been closely involved with the development of the Concordat with both me and Tony Raven, CEO of Cambridge Enterprise, on the drafting group.

Our view is that the Concordat will be another important tool to demonstrate that the UK's KE sector is world leading and highly effective. The proposals in the Concordat - to ensure that universities provide proper training, best practice sharing and recognition and accreditation of skills for KE and academic staff - will be welcomed by the 107 UK universities that are already members of PraxisAuril because of the conferences, training and resources that we provide. PraxisAuril now has 185 members drawn from around the world, which is recognition of the high reputation of UK knowledge exchange.

Chair's Blog APRIL 2019: Increasing R&D budget with significant economic and social impact

10 Apr 2019

Chris Skidmore the HE Minister calls himself the minister of 2.4% - ie minister for raising R&D from 1.7% of GDP to 2.4% or from around £35BN to about £50BN.  The biggest component of this is business R&D (at around £25BN).  That implies a growth in business R&D of £10BN.  That’s a huge task – unless somehow we can contrive to reduce our GDP through a slow motion cross-border crisis!  But the fact that the HE Minister sees himself as responsible for this must put the UK Knowledge exchange community firmly in his sights as the people who can help make this possible.  The announcement last week of an increase in HE-BCI collaboration between universities and business of about 6% to £4.5BN despite GDP growth slowing to almost nothing must have put a spring in his step.  But there’s clearly much more to do.

New member welcome: March 2019

26 Mar 2019

The PraxisAuril community continues to grow!  We are delighted to welcome four new members this month, read on to find out more about them and how they are supporting knowledge exchange.  


New RTTPs and Candidate RTTPs in Quarter 1 2019

18 Mar 2019

We would like to congratulate x6 new RTTPs and x3 new Candidate RTTPs for being accepted into their respective ATTP groups. It is a fantastic achievement and demonstrates that these individuals are either highly qualified Knowledge Exchange practitioners, or on a professional development pathway to become one.