Blog: KE Matters

Join Impact Award winners at the PraxisUnico Conference 2016

14 Jun 2016

 The 2015 winners are joining us at the PraxisUnico Conference 2016 alongside Research Councils UK to provide an update on their work and share best practice during a parallel session.


How the IP system is supporting technology and innovation businesses

22 Apr 2016

In celebration of World IP Day on 26th April, Lesley Evans, Chief Executive of major European intellectual property firm, Haseltine Lake, reflects on how global IP systems are supporting and encouraging innovation.


The Research Impact Handbook by Mark Reed - Review

15 Apr 2016

This new book aims to help researchers and stakeholders embed impact into research from the early stages, leading to better and more effective results. 

Trunki Sunk in Design Rights Slam Dunk

7 Apr 2016

The long-running Trunki design litigation finally came to a close – some Fundamentals of Technology Transfer delegates may remember this case featuring in the Design Rights section of that course. And the verdict? Trunki lost. Michael Conway, Associate at HaseltineLake sums up what led to that decision (originally published on the HaseltineLake blog, republished with consent)


Event: For Technology Transfer Professionals with Appleyard Lees

13 Jan 2016

Appleyard Lees would like to invite technology transfer professionals to join us at the Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI) to consider some of the key issues relevant to those working in this sector. 


The challenge of learning to commercialise academic research

13 Jan 2016

A recent research article published in ‘Technovation’ examined how tech transfer professionals learn about, and develop, their professional skills and practice. The article, which is summarised in this blog-post, is based on extensive PhD research by the author.