Optimising consultancy services: Workshop and Network


There has been enormous interest recently in optimising services to facilitate consultancy activities, use of university equipment and facilities, or managing CPD within institutions.  Some institutions have policies that they are reviewing, some want to incentivise more of these activities, and some are interested in setting up a service.   

This workshop brings together institutions at all stages of their journey to present and discuss models, to explore incentivisation, and to develop a community focussing on these important areas of knowledge exchange. While the workshop will focus on consultancy services, where appropriate there will be discussion on the integration of these services with other activities such as facilities and CPD.

The workshop is structured in two parts:  

Morning: speakers from a range of institutions discussing their model and structure including benefits and challenges, risks, and decision-making; and how they incentivise academics and departments

Afternoon: breakout groups discussing various questions, complied ahead of time from a survey of attendees 

Notes will be taken and circulated afterwards. 

Thursday 24 October 2024 - 9.00-4.30pm - London

Programme: tbc

Price: £75.00 (including a networking lunch)

Location: Friends House, Euston, London

24 October 2024 from  9:00 AM to  4:30 PM
Friends House
173-177 Euston Road
London, NW1-2BJ
United Kingdom
Event Fee(s)
Event fee £75.00
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