
TTO Opportunities

In 2019 a new colleague joined our KTO office - so myself together with my fellow co-workers set out to guide her and let her know how to kick-off her career in technology transfer. I realised that over the relatively short amount of time I have been with a TTO (3 years), I got to learn about multiple opportunities.  So, I decided to write about all the opportunities I came to know about during my experience in this blog post, hoping it will be helpful for those who are just about to join our world of technology transfer.  

AUTM Asia Conference report

One of the interesting aspects of the Malaysian academic system is that there are very few post-docs. 

Qualified people tend to go straight into academic positions in the growing university sector.  This affects the innovation culture. There are substantial efforts into creating an innovation culture as early as possible in the wider education sector, even in primary schools.

Building Brazilian Bridges

In November 2014, the IPO hosted a delegation from Brazilian universities and research organisations, with the aim of exploring possibilities for joint working with UK research institutes and, where possible, facilitate transfer of technologies between the UK and Brazil.