Member News

Cornwall Innovation at Plymouth University receives sector-first national accreditation

Plymouth University has become the first higher education institution in the country to receive a national innovation accreditation in recognition of its support for small and medium-sized businesses in Devon and Cornwall.
The University has been given the Investor in Innovations Award for its management of the three Innovation Centres in Cornwall, which are now home to over 110 innovative high growth businesses, and which since their launch in 2011, have helped create more than 200 jobs.

Apply for the Cancer Research UK Pioneer Award

What is the Pioneer Award?


The Pioneer Award will fund research into truly innovative, ground-breaking ideas with the potential to lead to new discoveries or approaches that will help us better understand, prevent, diagnose or treat cancer. Awards will enable research into ideas with the potential for high reward to beat cancer sooner.


Applications are welcomed from all investigators, no matter your background, occupation, or academic publication record. Successful awards will be:

The Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME) hosted the Chancellor and Business Secretary for Momentous Deal

The Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME), a result of the collaboration between University of Coventry and Unipart, was chosen as the venue for a momentous announcement.

The Hub hosted members of the West Mindlands Combined Authority (WMCA) and both Chancellor George Osbourne and Business Secretary Sajid Javid to sign a ‘devolution’ deal for the area and was chosen due to the representation of positive business-university collaboration and their innovative ‘Faculty on the Floor’.


Carl Perrin, Director of AME said:

Engineering research Hubs to be built at Southampton and Brunel Universities

Two £10m research centres, based in Southampton and Brunel Universities, are being created to cater for evolving optoelectronics technologies and recieved £20m funding from the EPSRC with an additional £58m from industry. The Hubs are designed to simplify continuing technical complexities and enable rapid commercialisation of technology.




GSK and Cambridge Strategic Partnership collaboration to develop ‘game-changing’ medicines

It was announced that the Cambridge Strategic Partnerships and GlaxoSmithKline will collaborate. The University of Cambridge and Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation make up the Cambridge Strategic Partnership. 

The collaboration will bring together a variety of unique expertise and capabilities working towards pharmaceutical developments over the next 5 to 10 years.