#8 KE Matters - Exploring Knowledge Exchange and Business Schools: Sharing Research Findings

Date of event: 
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Tuesday, 1 October | 12:00 - 12:45 BST | Online

Business Schools can be overlooked in terms of driving knowledge exchange and impact. In 2023, the Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS) found that “the KEF in its current format is likely to understate much of the KE work being undertaken in business schools (…) the HESA-BCI dataset does not provide data at faculty level, and it is felt that some KEF metrics may result in a bias towards STEM subjects. We believe it is crucial that the nature and impact of business schools’ KE activities is recognised.”
CABS then funded Northumbria University and Manchester Metropolitan University Business School to undertake a piece of exploratory research into the nature and direction of knowledge exchange in UK Business Schools.

This KE Matters session will take a deep dive into the results from literature, interviews and academic and stakeholder roundtables to offer a hopeful vision of the future.

  • Tamsin Mann – Head of Policy and Governance | PraxisAuril 

  • Dr Padmali Rodrigo – Northumbria University

  • Dr Matt Sutherland – Northumbria University

  • Professor Jennie Shorley – Manchester Metropolitan University Business School


Northumbria University

Northumbria is a research-intensive, modern university with a global reputation for academic excellence. It was named UK University of the Year 2022 in the Times Higher Education Awards. Northumbria University is based in the heart of Newcastle upon Tyne, which is regularly voted the best place in the UK for students, and has campuses in London and Amsterdam.

Manchester Metropolitan University Business School

A global, triple accredited Business School located in the heart of Manchester. Transforming lives, businesses and communities. Top providers of professionally focused education, where student experience is at the heart of everything we do, our key mission is to develop our students into highly employable, socially and environmentally responsible professionals.
