
Displaying 451 - 460 of 510 News articles. Show 5 | 10 | 20 | 40 | 60 results per page.

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PraxisUnico comments on Government’s follow up to the Wilson Review

27 Jun 2012

Cambridge, UK, 27 June 2012, PraxisUnico comments on the Government’s follow up to the Wilson Review of Business-University Collaboration.

The Impact Awards winners

15 Jun 2012

Cambridge, UK, 15 June 2012 - Maggie Philbin, who regularly provides comment on technology for the BBC, revealed the winners at PraxisUnico’s glittering Impact Award ceremony in Portsmouth last night which recognises the impact of intellectual assets from research.

Report shows university spinout companies are surviving longer

14 Jun 2012

A PraxisUnico report reveals that despite the continuing difficult economic background the number of university spinouts has stayed constant over the past five years, also companies are surviving longer than before.

PraxisUnico members invited to contribute to HESA review of HEBCIS data set

27 Apr 2012

HESA is presently undertaking a review of the HEBCIS data set. PraxisUnico has been asked to become a member of the Review Group alongside a handful of individual universities, TSB, Funding Councils, CBI, CIHE and Research Councils.

International Technology Transfer Beijing Conference 2012 summary

11 Apr 2012

PraxisUnico attended this conference on 26-27 March 2012 as guests of the organisers to represent PraxisUnico members' interests and to facilitate partnering organisations in China.

Nature: Innovation & opportunities for technology transfer

11 Apr 2012

PraxisUnico features in this article in the journal <em>Nature</em> about opportunities and paths for those seeking technology transfer roles.

The PraxisUnico Spinouts UK Survey - note to PraxisUnico members

11 Apr 2012

PraxisUnico partners - Young Company Finance (YCF) - is currently carrying out the research for the second Annual Report for the Survey.  As many as possible of the (still trading) spinouts in the database have been contacted, and YCF will shortly be approaching all university TTOs with listings incorporating the latest updates which they can find. Please help ensure that the information is as up to date as possible by looking through the listings provided by YCF.

Catapult Centres and the interactions with the research base - a note from the PraxisUnico Chair

16 Mar 2012

This note is a summary of a recent meeting.  It represents a personal summary of the event and should not be taken as an official record, which will be produced separately.

PraxisUnico, ARMA and AURIL issue joint statement supporting open-access publishing of research data

9 Mar 2012

The three associations issue a joint statement to support Open Access as a means of enabling wide access to research results.