
Displaying 481 - 490 of 510 News articles. Show 5 | 10 | 20 | 40 | 60 results per page.

Read the latest news from PraxisAuril on the world of Knowledge Exchange

PraxisUnico meets with Under-Secretary of State for BIS

19 Jan 2011

Phil Clare and Douglas Robertson met recently with Baroness Wilcox, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State with responsibility for BIS matters in the House of Lords.

PraxisUnico: PraxisUnico welcomes coalition Government investment in innovation funding

20 Dec 2010

Today (20 December 2010), the Government has announced that the Higher Education Innovation Funding (HEIF) will be maintained at current levels of £150 million per year from 2011 to 2015.

PraxisUnico:Leading research commercialisation body comments on Technology Innovation Centre inquiry

2 Dec 2010

PraxisUnico submits its response, on behalf of its members, to the inquiry by the Science and Technology Commons Select Committee on Technology Innovation Centres (TICs)

University of Cambridge & Addenbrooke's Hospital - Taking control of medical imaging

4 Nov 2010

A new controller device that greatly improves the ease of use of 3D medical imaging workstations has been developed at the University of Cambridge & Addenbrooke's Hospital.

CBI: Business-University collaboration for research and innovation

17 Sep 2010

This guide is designed to help CBI members who are interested in establishing or building collaborative relationships with universities for their research and innovation work.

HEFCE: Welcomes revised timetable for REF

9 Jul 2010

HEFCE welcomes today's announcement by David Willetts, Minister of State for Universities and Science, which confirms the timetable for the Research Excellence Framework (REF).

PraxisUnico: Recognition for technology transfer professionals

5 Jul 2010

PraxisUnico members are automatically eligible to apply for Registered Technology Transfer Professional (RTTP) status through Alliance of Technology Transfer Professionals (ATTP)