
Displaying 229 - 234 of 510 News articles. Show 5 | 10 | 20 | 40 | 60 results per page.

Read the latest news from PraxisAuril on the world of Knowledge Exchange

PraxisUnico/AURIL welcome HEIF increase to £200 million

20 Jul 2017

HEFCE has confirmed details of the £40 million per annum HEIF 'uplift' announced as part of the government's R&D investment to support its industrial strategy.

Funding boost for KEC

11 Jul 2017

University-business collaboration has been given a boost this week with the announcements by HEFCE of a HEIF 'uplift' for English universities and awards of £177 million through the UK Research Investment Partnership Fund (UKRIPF).

CCS clusters for hydrogen production in a low-carbon economy

10 Jul 2017

The announcement that Statoil, Vattenfall and Gasunie have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to evaluate the possibilities of converting Vattenfall’s gas power plant, Magnum, in the Netherlands, into a hydrogen-powered plant marks an interesting new development in carbon capture and storage for Norway and the Netherlands.

IN-PART's Top 6 Disruptive Innovations

7 Jul 2017

This feature presents some of the most disruptive innovations published in the second quarter of 2017, by universities actively looking to find external collaboration partners through IN-PART. From monitoring plastic pollution in the oceans, to relieving pain in virtual reality, and inducing rainfall with lasers, the creativity of scientific research is inspiring.

CRT’s Discovery Laboratories extends alliance with Merck to develop new cancer drugs

3 Jul 2017

CANCER RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY (CRT) has signed a further deal with Merck, a leading science and technology company, to discover new cancer drugs targeting the Hippo pathway, on 29th June.

NIHR Brain Injury HTC Seedcorn Funding Competition Winners Announcement

30 Jun 2017

The University of Cambridge are delighted to announce the following winners of the Seedcorn Funding Competition 2016/2017: