
Displaying 295 - 300 of 510 News articles. Show 5 | 10 | 20 | 40 | 60 results per page.

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University of Birmingham announces first investment from Spinout Investment fund

11 Jan 2017

The University of Birmingham has made the first investment from its £5m University of Birmingham Spinout Investment fund, to Smart Antenna Technologies, a spinout founded in 2013 to develop a new generation of antenna for smart phones and laptops.

UK Science & Innovation Network Bulletin

20 Dec 2016

This bulletin contains news and opportunities in research and innovation collaboration between the UK and China

PraxisUnico's Year in Review

20 Dec 2016

Tamsin Mann, PraxisUnico's Policy Officer, has a look at the year in review.

Members give evidence at House of Commons Science and Technology Committee

19 Dec 2016

Following on from PraxisUnico's evidence given last month, the Committee continue to hear evidence on “Management of IP and Technology Transfer”.

Oxford Sciences Innovation Spin-Out Fund Raises £230m

16 Dec 2016

Oxford Sciences Innovation plc (OSI) , created by The University of Oxford and Isis Innovation, to commercialise academic ideas into market-leading companies, has successfully raised £230m to fund spin-out companies. The funds will provide capital and scaling expertise to companies spun-out of the university.

£226m UK Investment in Cancer Research

16 Dec 2016

Cancer Research UK has announced the largest investment to date into its network of Centres across the UK. £190 million has been committed to 13 Cancer Research UK Centres over the next five years.