In Memoriam: Dr Allyson Reed

The PraxisUnico community was saddened to hear the news of the sudden death of Dr Allyson Reed, who passed away on Monday 19 January.

Allyson worked most recently at the University of Warwick as Director of Corporate Relations and had been a valued friend of PraxisUnico for many years, especially during her time at the Technology Strategy Board. Allyson was a great supporter of research commercialisation and a committed advocate of the Impact Awards, having been involved from their inauguration in 2009. 

Sue O'Hare, Chair of PraxisUnico said, "Allyson was a wonderful colleague, and an ardent supporter of PraxisUnico. She played an important role in the development of the Impact  awards and in 2014 she chaired the Judging Panel using her expertise to enhance the competition.  Allyson’s enthusiasm when sitting at the judging table was clear for all to see."

"Many of our PraxisUnico colleagues have been in touch to say how incredibly sorry they were to hear the news of Allyson's death - she was such a vibrant character.  We remember her up on the stage at our 2014 conference in Cardifff, passionately engaging a packed audience about the importance of telling our good stories of impact and communicating success. She will be greatly missed."

Our thoughts are with her husband John and her two children.

Any PraxisUnico members who wish to contribute to a book of condolence should email, and we will make arrangements for messages to be passed on. Donations in memory of Allyson can be made to Sobell House Hospice online at
