SKE SIG: Student knowledge exchange impact

Date of event: 
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Event Organisers: Leanne Kenyon
Tuesday, 15 October 2024 | 14:00 - 15:00 BST | Online

This new Special Interest Group (SIG) brings together Knowledge Exchange professionals working in or supporting ‘student knowledge exchange’ activity, in Higher Education and industry. We aim to build a constructive community to help build a sector-wide understanding of SKE and share best practices from the fantastic work already going on. 

Whether you are just starting to think about Student Knowledge Exchange (SKE) or have been working within it for years, we welcome your participation, views and ideas.


In this session, "SKE SIG: Student knowledge exchange impact", we will focus on:

  • Developing a paper on the external factors we would expect SKE activity to influence, and professional bodies that review these factors (e.g. graduate roles, Institute of Student Employers)  
