#9 KE Matters - Models of Discipline-Specific National Knowledge Exchange Initiatives

Date of event: 
Thursday, October 17, 2024
Thursday, 17 October | 12:00 - 12:45 BST | Online

In this webinar, the speakers will share their experiences of establishing national knowledge exchange networks in two different disciplines, the mathematical sciences and in public policy. They will outline the activities of the UK Knowledge Exchange Hub for Mathematical Sciences (KE Hub) and the Universities Policy Engagement Network (UPEN), and how Praxis Auril members can make the most of these networks.

  • Tamsin Mann – Head of Policy and Governance, PraxisAuril 

  • Laura Bea UPEN Network Manager

  • Dr Shirley Coleman Technical Director & Principal Research Associate, NU Solve, Newcastle University, and KE Hub Super Champion 

  • Professor Arlene Holmes-Henderson Professor of Classics Education and Public Policy (Durham University) and UPEN Vice-Chair for Arts and Humanities

  • Dr Joanna Jordan Mathematical Sciences Knowledge Exchange (freelance) and KE Hub Super Champion 


KE Hub

The UK Knowledge Exchange Hub for Mathematical Sciences (KE Hub) is a coordinated academic response to the independent 2018 Bond Review of Knowledge Exchange in the Mathematical Sciences. The KE Hub exists to promote, facilitate, and support KE between Academia and Business, Industry, and Government, and drive a step change in the scale, connectivity, and coordination of mathematical sciences KE infrastructure in the UK.

The KE Hub provides a UK-wide coordinating approach to Mathematical Sciences KE, delivering training, best practice sharing, and practical support for joining up and enhancing pre-existing activity, along-side growing local KE capacity irrespective of department size, experience, or geographic location. From the Business, Industry, and Government (B.I.G.) viewpoint, the KE Hub provides easy access to MS ideas – especially for organisations that do not have pre-existing relationships with academia.



The Universities Policy Engagement Network (UPEN) was set up in 2018 by a small group of universities. It now has more than 110 UK university and policy relevant organisations as members. Our membership comprises knowledge brokers, impact officers and academics who are interested in strengthening academic-policy engagement and evidence-informed policy. The network is entirely voluntary and run by our members, alongside one paid part time Network Manager. 

UPEN's founding purpose was to make it easier for UK governments and legislatures to communicate their needs and opportunities with researchers by providing a 'one stop shop' through which opportunities can be shared more easily. UPEN's activities include a weekly UPEN newsletter, strategic projects led by Vice-Chairs and Sub-Committees, an events programme, and a regular blog, as well as members' meetings and our annual conference.
