Principle 5: Capacity building

Knowledge exchange is a recognised part of the overall university strategy. We have a clear understanding of the institutional role and the purpose of KE and whom the intended beneficiaries are.

Clarity of mission is essential for efficient and effective knowledge exchange. University staff, students and external organisations need to understand the aims and priorities of senior university leaders and governors in relation to the whole range of knowledge exchange activities undertaken by the institution.


Established institutional approaches are used to obtain full value from developing and fostering a diverse workforce in an inclusive environment.


  • Appropriately experienced and/or qualified and/or accredited KE professionals are recruited who demonstrate aptitude and the ability to broker and manage KE activities and an understanding of commercial and academic drivers.
  • There is a commitment to, and evidence of, continuous development of KE staff at all levels of their career through formal training, mentoring, sharing best practice and engagement in relevant networks and communities.
  • Regular reviews of performance take place, including feedback from external partners.
  • There is a clear and evidenced approach to ensuring the professional standards of staff members within professional KE teams, e.g through processes for accreditation, peer review and staff exchange


  • KE policy and practice form part of new staff induction and ongoing staff development programmes.
  • Accessible and appropriate training supports KE activities, including due consideration of staff induction and formal academic practice development programmes.
  • There is accessible and appropriately promoted professional and administrative support to academic colleagues in furtherance of their KE activities.
  • There is accessible and appropriately promoted support for staff and students wanting to establish and grow new enterprises or activities.
  • Accessible and appropriately promoted skills training exists for students who are expected to engage with non-academic partners on behalf of the institution as part of their curricular or non-curricular activities.
  • Approaches for the development of KE and entrepreneurship skills in curricular and non-curricular student activities are clearly identified, for both undergraduate and postgraduate students.