Reports, Research & Reviews

PraxisAuril is working to collate public domain research, reviews and reports of relevance to the Knowledge Exchange and Commercialisation community and its stakeholders. This content is collected from a range of sources, based on publicly available material, and will be updated on an ongoing basis. If you have content you wish to contribute, or if you have any comments please contact us on
Author: HEFCE
This report analyses the results of the Higher Education – Business and Community Interaction survey for UK higher education institutions, referring to the academic year 2012-13. Data reported in this survey provide valuable intelligence for higher education senior managers, KE practitioners and...
Author: Tomas Coates Ulrichsen
Knowledge exchange (KE) activity generated £2.68 billion for English higher education institutions (HEIs) in 2011/12. Income from this type of activity continues to grow, albeit at a slower rate since the onset of the severe economic recession than previously. The aggregate growth rate has fallen...
Author: Stefan Lilischkis
This report presents results of the first meeting of the Knowledge Transfer Stakeholder Forum on 13 February 2014. The forum was set up in the framework of the IU21KT Study to support the development of an action plan towards enhanced KT networks and KTO co-operation in Europe. It includes 50...
Author: Albert Albers, Nikola Bursac, Ludwig Maul, Marius Mair
The transfer of technologies from other industries into a company's product development can significantly increase its innovative strength. In order to successfully identify new technology suppliers and include them into a technology receiver's product, an intermediary can support both sides in the...
Author: Graeme Reid
The UK research base is a wonderful success story. It is a magnet for global talent and investment, a feature of our country that is admired around the world, and a source of wide-ranging economic and social benefits. Earlier achievements and current expertise enable us to live longer, enjoy a...
Author: Sherry Coutu CBE
The report makes recommendations for national and local government, universities, schools, colleges, large corporates and the media to improve the ecosystem for scale-up companies.  The Scale-Up Report on UK Economic Growth by Sherry Coutu CBE is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-...
Author: RSA City Growth Commission
This report, from RSA City Growth Commission, is the result of a 12 month independent inquiry into how best to enable the UK’s major cities to drive growth and respond to the fiscal and economic challenges of the future. This document is in the public domain and is sourced from http://www....
Author: European Commission - Joint Research Centre
The 2014 "EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard" (the Scoreboard) contains economic and financial data for the world's top 2500 companies ranked by their investments in Research and Development (R&D). The sample contains 633 companies based in the EU and 1867 companies based elsewhere....
Author: Tera Allas, BIS
Science and innovation are at the heart of the UK’s future success. They are critical to growth in productivity and business investment, our comparative advantages in the global race and our ability to address societal challenges. The context is dynamic, however, as other nations also take this...
Author: Government
This is the first report on the IPO’s work to support innovation and growth in the UK, covering the period from April 2013 to March 2014.   This document is free for re-use under the terms of the Open Government Licence and is sourced from