Tech Readiness and Impact Modelling

In order to work effectively with the products and services that come from AHSS research, a dedicated system of marking its readiness for the market (or ‘scaling up impact’) needs to be applied across the sector. 

  1. Planning (Month 1 - 6): Is the product/service clearly defined and its value/commercial modelling complete? 
  2. Piloting (Month 6- 12): Has the venture been piloted, or has clear customer interest for the first commercial relationships fully planned out? 
  3. Building (Year 1 – 2): Has an operational team been developed, and seed funding to pay for this secured? 
  4. Scaling and Growing (3- 5 Years): Is there a plan for longer-term, repeatable custom with clear financial and stakeholder planning?
Publication Date: 
Monday, February 12, 2024