Webinar Recording: Cultural Change

The ecosytem and changing values supporting impact-led self-sustaining ventures through commercialisation.

In this online CoP event we heard from Mark Mann, a leading trainer in the areas of AHSS commercialisation and social value venture building, showcasing the existing support and standards univerisites can access to develop these processes. We then went through some of the key barriers defining the gaps in this sector delivered by Syahirah Abdul Rahman who is developing leading insights at the Innovation and Research Caucus. Before contributions from multiple research councils to learn about the motivations of funders across research disciplines.

CoP Poll ‘Barriers to AHSS Commercialisaiton’: 1st - Academic Skills/ Time, 2nd - Department/Institutional Level, 3rd – TTO Knowledge
CoP Poll ‘Sector Solutions’: 1st - Case Studies, 2nd - Policy links, 3rd – Technical Guides  

Publication Date: 
Tuesday, February 20, 2024