RTTP application

(3 years+)

RTTP applicants should apply and pay directly through the ATTP website: www.attp.info by providing documentation which evidences the three requirements below:

1. KE/KT/TT Experience

You must be able to demonstrate that you have been in a relevant role for at least three years.

To be eligible to apply for RTTP, you must submit a CV showing you have been in the KE/KT/TT profession or in a role using similar skills for at least 3 years and be a Member of an Alliance Association (listed on home page).


You must be able to demonstrate that you have gained the key skills required to be effective and to perform your role independently

This is demonstrated by:

EITHER: 60 RTTP CE points achieved in accredited KE/KT/TT training programmes, meeting development needs (with at least 45 points received in relevant face to face training – i.e. not via conferences or webinars)

(This route provides the most straightforward and rapid assessment)


At least two of the following:

  • A list of professional qualifications attained or relevant courses attended that have assisted you to achieve the RTTP core competencies.  The name of the training/ awarding body or bodies should be provided with enough detail about the course/ qualification for the Panel to determine the relevance and level of the qualification. If you have undertaken RTTP accredited courses but have obtained fewer than 60 RTTP CE points you may also include these in this list.
  • A list of ‘deals or projects&lsquo undertaken of appropriate size, quantity and quality in proportion to your length of service/ experience.
  • A description of leadership roles in KE/KT/TT including size and scope of teams/ initiatives you have managed.

(These routes require more complex assessment and evidence and therefore may take longer to process)


You must be able to demonstrate that you have applied your knowledge and skills to lead a complex KE/TT project

This is achieved through a 1000 word Achievement Overview which is endorsed by your manager and submitted for assessment by your peers. The Achievement Overview can describe one or more of the following:

  • A complex and significant collaboration/ strategic partnership, which would not have happened without your input and which met the intended goals of the parties.
  • A complex and significant commercial deal which would not have happened without your input (e.g. licensing; substantial consultancy/ contract research arrangement(s); the creation of a spin-out company which you actively led through its pre-investment phase and that subsequently raised external funding, made an impact in its market or generated value for its shareholders.
  • A significant knowledge transfer initiative which would not have happened without your input and that resulted in new capacity, structures, funding, incentives or other developments that enabled demonstrable knowledge transfer/ knowledge exchange outcomes.

RTTP applicants should describe their skills and achievements relevant to these five competencies. These core competencies have been developed in collaboration with existing national frameworks in several key countries. The core competencies assessed for RTTP are:

  • Strategy & Business Insight – strategic thinking; market-led, entrepreneurial approach; business and commercial skills.
  • Entrepreneurial Leadership – securing funding; leading negotiations; developing new ventures.
  • Effective Engagement – Communication, collaboration and influencing
  • Legal and Technical Knowhow – having the key legal, technical and domain related knowledge required to effectively transfer knowledge
  • Governance and Project Management – developing major initiatives to support KE//KT/TT; managing knowledge and information flow; and developing and managing systems and processes for knowledge exchange