
Collaborative Research between Business and Universities: The Lambert Toolkit 8 Years On

An evaluation of the impacts arising from the development and introduction of the Lambert model agreements and toolkit, conducted by IP Pragmatics Ltd on behalf of the Intellectual Property Office in collaboration with Association of University Resarch and Industry Links (AURIL), the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), PraxisUnico and the Technology Strategy Board (TSB).

This research was commissioned by the Intellectual Property Office, and carried out by IP Pragmatics Limited.

Higher Education – Business and Community Interaction survey 2012-2013 (HE-BCI)

This report analyses the results of the Higher Education – Business and Community Interaction survey for UK higher education institutions, referring to the academic year 2012-13. Data reported in this survey provide valuable intelligence for higher education senior managers, KE practitioners and policymakers. The report also provides an in-depth commentary on the extent of, and trends in, KE activity in the UK.

A Review of QR Funding in English HEIs - Process and Impact

In 2013 the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and Universities UK commissioned PACEC Ltd and the Centre for Business Research (CBR), at the University of Cambridge, to review the quantitative and qualitative impacts of non-hypothecated research funding (quality related research funding or QR funding) and the institutional practices and procedures for its deployment and use. In 2011/12 HEFCE distributed around £1.6 billion of QR (mainstream and non-mainstream) to English Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).

A Review of Business–University Collaboration (The Wilson Review)

Since the Lambert Review (2003) there has been a huge change in both the quantum and the quality of business–university collaboration. This change has not only been stimulated by government funding initiatives but also by a growing realisation, within both business and universities, of the central role of universities in providing high‐level skills, a world‐class research base and a culture of inquiry and innovation. Universities are an integral part of the supply chain to business—a supply chain that has the capability to support business growth and therefore economic prosperity.

IPO Informal Discussion Document: Publication of Patent Applications - Summary of Responses

The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) launched an informal discussion document about a potential new IPO service in publishing patent applications in August1 last year. The document sought to discover what applicants wanted from the patent system and proposed ideas on how the IPO might change its practice to offer publication of patent applications differently in the future. Alongside the discussion document, an online questionnaire was made available to a number of unrepresented applicants who had indicated a willingness to provide customer insight.

Government Response to the House of Commons Business, Innovation and Skills Committee Report on Business-University Collaboration

This response covers the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee’s specific recommendations, and should be read in conjunction with “Our plan for growth: science and innovation”, the Government’s Science and Innovation Strategy (w