
BIS Insights from international benchmarking of the UK science and innovation system

Science and innovation are at the heart of the UK’s future success. They are critical to growth in productivity and business investment, our comparative advantages in the global race and our ability to address societal challenges. The context is dynamic, however, as other nations also take this view and are investing accordingly – creating both opportunities and risks.

Knowledge Exchange Performance and the Impact of HEIF in the English Higher Education Sector

Knowledge exchange (KE) activity generated £2.68 billion for English higher education institutions (HEIs) in 2011/12. Income from this type of activity continues to grow, albeit at a slower rate since the onset of the severe economic recession than previously. The aggregate growth rate has fallen over the period 2004-2008 from 6.6% per annum to 3.3% per annum (excluding the effects of the wind-down of the Regional Development Agencies (RDAs)).