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Read the latest news from PraxisAuril on the world of Knowledge Exchange

Auril 2017 Conference Afterthoughts

11 Oct 2017

Another AURIL conference has come to an end, this year with a powerful message about participation. That’s why we were all in Bristol of course – to take part in conversations large and small about our profession: the highs, the lows, the skills, the tips, what works, what doesn’t, where to find the money, how to spend it…the list goes on. A word cloud from the talks I heard would have Place, Design, Partners and Funding writ large: they are all vital components of Knowledge Exchange and all concepts that can be unpacked and unpicked to provide your own recipe for success.


6 Oct 2017

After just over a year and a half of discussions, consultations and planning PraxisUnico and Auril have formally announced the launch of their new organisation and identity at their annual Auril conference in Bristol on the 5th and 6th October 2017.

PraxisAuril Governance

5 Oct 2017

PraxisAuril is a trading name of Praxis Courses Ltd, a company limited by guarantee, registered in the UK.

Crack It Solutions - Improving animal welfare

2 Oct 2017

The Animal Welfare Assessment Grid (AWAG) system is a web-based software application designed for capturing, storing and visualising animal welfare assessment data. The system was developed by Public Health England in collaboration with the University of Surrey, School of Veterinary Medicine. The first version was released in 2015 and has been trialled by PHE and a number of other research organisations. Feedback has been very positive in terms of assessing current welfare and identifying areas for potential improvement such as housing, use of enrichment and frequency of applying procedures. During these trials and those from zoos and wildlife trusts, many ideas for future developments have been gathered. Further development is now required to refine the system and to make it applicable to a wider range of applications in the research community where the system has potential to improve animal welfare.

Auril Conference Exhibitors

27 Sep 2017

We are pleased to announce the exhibitors for the Auril 2017 Conference

BBSRC seek proposals for the RSE scheme

14 Sep 2017

The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) is currently seeking proposals to the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) Enterprise Fellowship scheme which supports researchers who wish to play a key role in the commercialisation of their research.

Spinouts UK Quarterly Journal released

14 Sep 2017

Spinouts UK has released its quarterly report on the UK's university spin-out landscape.

Indian biotech leaders visit Birmingham for life science facilities briefing

12 Sep 2017

A delegation of Indian biotech company leaders visited the University of Birmingham yesterday to see the life sciences cluster, where the University’s world-leading research is translated into new medical therapies. The delegation travelled to Birmingham as part of bioConclave 2017 - an annual gathering of Indian life science business leaders, who come to the UK to explore investment and partnership opportunities.

Boosting Impact of Social Sciences and Humanities Conference

29 Aug 2017

AESIS is holding a two-day international conference on how social sciences and humanities can address societal challenges and optimise societal well-being. The conference is taking place on the 20 - 21 September 2017 in Cardiff, UK.

Cancer Research UK launches trial to test new drug in patients with advanced cancer

23 Aug 2017

A clinical trial to test a new cancer drug in patients with advanced solid tumours, launches in four centres across the UK today (Wednesday), through Cancer Research UK’s Centre for Drug Development.