PraxisUnico/AURIL respond to ‘Transforming UK Translation’

PraxisUnico/AURIL welcome the publication of ‘Transforming UK Translation’ by The Academy of Medical Sciences, Royal Academy of Engineering, Royal Society and the Wellcome Trust; the ambition it sets out to create a ‘vibrant translation system’ and the broad definition of translation used to cover a range of outputs and activities. 

PraxisUnico/AURIL welcome HEIF increase to £200 million

HEFCE has confirmed details of the £40 million per annum HEIF 'uplift' announced as part of the government's R&D investment to support its industrial strategy. Details of additional allocations has been sent to Vice-Chancellors, noting that "the Government has provided...additional funding for HEIF, to support and incentivise high and improving performance in knowledge exchange.

UK Parliament publishes report on Managing IP and Technology Transfer

UK Parliament has today published its report on the inquiry into 'Managing IP and Technology Transfer' conducted by the House of Commons Science & Technology Select Committee. PraxisUnico welcomes the Committee's report and its headline conclusion that increased investment in Research and Development (R&D) by business is crucial if university research is to be transformed into successful commercial products. Stephen Metcalfe, MP said: 

UK Technology Transfer and Knowledge Exchange experts at AUTM 2017

The UK's technology transfer and knowledge exchange community will be represented at the annual Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) meeting in Florida this week. AUTM represents American technology transfer offices and operates globally. Links with the UK are strong and participants from the USA, UK and around the world learn from exchange of international best practice on a wide variety of topics.